Перечень сокращений

AUSS Andrews University Seminary Studies

BSас Bibliоthеса Sacra

BКАТ Biblisсhег Kommentar Altes Testament. Neukirchen- Vluуn: Neиkirchener Verlag.

BWANТ Beitrage zur Wissenschaft уоm Alten und Neuen Testament. Stuttgaгt: W. Kohlhammer.

ЕОТИ Essays оn Old Testament Hеrmеnеutiсs. Edited Ьу С. Westermann. English translation edited bу James L.

Mays. Riсhшопd, Vа.: John Кnox Press, 1963.

ISBE International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. В. Eerdmans Риb. Со., 1979.

JВL Journal of Biblical Literature

JETS Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

JТS Journal of Theological Studies

KJN King James Version

NАSB New American Standard Bible

NICNT New International Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. В. Eerdmans Pub. Со. (13)

NIDNTT New Intemational Dictionary of New Testament Theology. Edited Ьу Colin Brown. 3 vols. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1975-78.

NIV New International Version

NSRВ The New Scofield Reference Bible (1967)

NTS New Testament Studies

OTS Oudtestamentische Studien. Leiden: Е. J. Brill.

RSV Revised Standard Version

SDABC Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary. Edited Ьу Francis D. Nicho!. 7 vols. Washington, D. С.: Review and Herald РиЬ. Assn., 1957.

TDNT Theological Dictionary ofthe 01d Testament. Edited Ьу G. Johannes Botterweck and Неlтег Ringgren. Translated Ьу John Т. Willis and G. W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. В. Eerdmans РиЬ. Со., 1974.

ThLZ Theologische Literatur Zeitung

ThStКr Theologische Studien und Кritiken. Berlin: Еу. Ver!agsanstalt.

TSF Theological Students Fellowship (Bulletin)

WТJ Westminster Theological Joumal

ZAW Zeitschrift fiir die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (14)