Go Ye Into All the World

«Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.» Are the churches that have been organized in our cities doing that which is appointed them of God? How many cities in the United States and in other countries have not yet been entered, or if entered, have scarcely received what can be called missionary labor. The work that is done for those who know the truth, and yet who do not feed on Christ, would be better devoted to carrying the truth to the cities of our world. Who is willing to go to these cities, and, clothed in the meekness of Christ, work for the Master? Will any one presume to lay hands upon those who are willing to engage in house-to-house labor, and say, «You must not go unless we send you»? God is calling for workers, and the end of all things is at hand. If one tithe of the labor that has been expended upon our churches had been devoted to those who are perishing in ignorance, living in sin, many would have repented long ago.

The precious, saving truth has been repeated over and over again to our church-members, while right in the cities where our churches are organized, there are souls perishing for the want of knowledge that the members of our churches could impart. Aggressive warfare is scarcely known. If believers were wide awake, were watching for opportunities to diffuse light, they would find plenty of work to do. The earnestness, the sobriety, the revelation of the sense of solemn responsibility which rests upon the followers of Christ, would count strongly in favor of the truth. Those who are self-sacrificing Christians will make an impression upon their neighbors by living a life of practical godliness. They will earnestly labor in the Master’s service, showing forth the praises of him who has called them out of darkness into his marvelous light. They will obey the instruction of Christ, «Let your light so shine before men, that they will see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.» Every member of the church should learn how to communicate light to others who sit in darkness. Let every one watch for souls «as they that must give account.»

I address Christians who live in our large cities: God has made you depositaries of truth, not that you may retain it, but that you may impart it to others. You should visit from house to house as faithful stewards of the grace of Christ. As you work, devise, and plan, new methods will continually present themselves to your mind, and by use the powers of your intellect will be increased. A lukewarm, slack performance of duty is an injury to the soul for whom Christ has died. If we would find the pearls buried in the debris of the cities, we should go forth ready to do the work required by the Master. Some may work quietly, creating an interest, while others speak in halls. It is true that Satan will scheme in every possible way so as to benumb the senses, blind the eyes, and close the ears of men against the truth; but notwithstanding this, go to work. Labor from house to house, not neglecting the poor, who are usually passed by. Christ said, «He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor,» and we are to go and do likewise.

The cities in America, in this country, and in other countries, are not worked as they should be, and yet we are admonished to be laborers together with God. Instead of this, many churches, collectively and individually, have been so far removed from God, so separated from his Spirit, that they have left souls to perish all around them, while they have been calling for workers to labor in the church. This labor has been granted them, and the impenitent and the sinner have been robbed of the messages which the Lord would have given to them. If the church were a living, working organization, having life in itself, its members would experience travail for souls. Individual members of the church would strive to impart the light of the knowledge of the truth to those who have never been enlightened by the truth. When the human agent puts himself in living connection with God, the Holy Spirit will work in him «both to will and to do of his good pleasure.» A vital connection is kept up between the church in heaven and the church on earth, and it is manifest that we are God’s husbandry, God’s building. It has been a mistake to have so many meetings in Battle Creek. One third of the time spent in ministerial institutes would have accomplished more toward the salvation of souls, because the ministers would have gone out from these meetings freighted with the precious light which had been shining from the word of God. Time would have been given for the laborers to set the truth before thousands in destitute fields. Many who have never heard the truth as it is in Jesus, would have been convicted and converted, and as a result many souls would have been added to the church, of «such as should be saved.»

There has been so much preaching to our churches, that they have almost ceased to appreciate the gospel ministry. The time has come when this order of things should be changed. Let the minister call out the individual church-members to help him by house to-house work in carrying the truth into regions beyond. Let all co-operate with the heavenly intelligences in communicating truth to others. What though it be in weakness? It is Christ that speaks to the heart; it is he that creates an interest where there has been no desire to hear.

Let the worker present the truth in faith, believing in Jesus as his only efficiency. Let him reverently, devoutly, earnestly, and prayerfully grasp God’s promise, and press his petitions before the throne of grace. As he feels a sense of his helplessness and weakness, «Let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; and he shall make peace with me.» The Holy Spirit will cause the word spoken to act as a two edged sword; and the hearers will see that the messenger is presenting the truth as a reality. They will realize that he knows what practical, experimental religion is. If the worker has been in the audience chamber of the Most High, if he has reverently, trustfully, opened his heart to God, that he might work through him, the people will not fail to be impressed with his teaching. When the worker depends wholly upon the higher Power, the God who seeth in secret will hear the supplication of the hungering soul, and will supply his grace richly. When we yoke up with Christ, we may leave the whole weight of the load upon Jesus, moving forward with a living faith, knowing that he will not fail nor be discouraged. When this method is followed, the laborer, through the grace of Christ, will bear such a testimony that the people will be brought into communication with him who has said, «Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.» They will be led to say, «This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.» O let the messengers of God cry aloud for the Holy Comforter; let the weary and heavy laden, the doubting soul, believe, only believe, that God is a present help in every time of need. «The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.» O, let the longing soul, seeking after a knowledge of God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent, realize that the living God is our present and eternal strength. We cannot advance in the work, we cannot grow up to the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus, until methods are adopted to secure all the working force in our churches to reach souls where they are. The leaven of truth must first be introduced by positive effort before it will work.

The centering of so many interests in Battle Creek is saying to the people, «Come here, to the center, to the heart of the work.» This leaves other portions of the Lord’s vineyard without any organized effort. It is our duty to bring light to places where there is no light, to cultivate the parts of the vineyard that have been let go to waste. I beseech you to look abroad over the United States, and to consider prayerfully, unselfishly, the many localities throughout the Union that are in need of help; and, realizing, that God’s eye is upon you, «Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.»

There has been too much spiritual energy expended in the church at Battle Creek. Those who have listened to the precious truth that has been pouring forth in such a free manner as it has there, have generally failed to receive or to appreciate the light given. They have failed to communicate what they have received. The persons who have been attending the ministerial institutes, have had presented before them line upon line, and precept upon precept; here a little, and there a little. But they have failed to receive any great benefit, because they have not imparted the light to others. The great outlay caused by these institutes, which have been held so often, would have brought far better returns if expended in maintaining the ministers in some part of God’s neglected vineyard where there are no Sabbath-keepers. If the large churches settled in some of our cities were scattered to the four quarters of the globe, they might reveal how much the truth they have appropriated has to do with the shaping of individual character, and many eyes would be opened to behold the light of the truth. As they saw the great ignorance existing among the people, they would realize that there is work, solid, earnest work, for all in the neglected portions of the Lord’s vineyard. If they were sons and daughters of God indeed, they would see that there is need of decided effort to reach the heathen in America as well as in heathen lands. The gospel is to go to every nation, tongue, and people, and ministers are not to devote their labors so entirely to the churches which know the truth. Both ministers and people lose much by following this method of labor. It is by engaging in earnest work, by hard, painful experience, that we are enabled to reach the men and the women of our cities, to call them in from the highways and the byways of life. But many of our people are surfeited with the privileges they have enjoyed, and have lost the sense of the value of human souls.

O, it makes me so sad to see that so little is being done in our cities. We should not confine our labors to some specially favored locality, but put forth well organized effort in different parts of the field. Then let the workers assemble together, give their experience, and counsel and pray together. If this method is followed, they will find abundance of work to do. These workers need not necessarily be ordained ministers, but must be such as have an earnest desire to labor for the salvation of perishing souls. ( Concluded next week .) —