
Глава 7

1. David Barton, Original Intent: The Courts, the Constitution, & Religion (Aledo, TX: WallBuilder Press, 1997), p. 153. Цитата из речи Бенджамина Раша (Benjamin Rush), подписавшего Декларацию Независимости.

2. Benjamin Rush, Essays, Literary, Moral and Philosophical (Philadelphia, PA: Thomas and William Bradford Publishers, 1806), «Defense of the use of the Bible in School», p. 210.


4. James Atkinson, ed., Luther s Works, Vol. 44, The Christian in Society (Philadelphia, PA: Fortress Press, 1966), «To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation Concerning the Reform of the Christian Estate,» by Martin Luther (1520), p. 207.

5. Ibid.

Глава 8

1. Donald E. Chittick, The Controversy: Roots of the Creation/ Evolution Conflict (Eugene, OR: Creation Compass, 1984).

Ken Ham, The Lie. Evolution (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1987).

Kenneth A. Ham, and Paul S. Taylor, The Genesis Solution (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1988).

Henry M. Morris, Evolution and the Modern Christian (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1967).

Henry M. Morris, The Long War Against God (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1989).

Gary Parker, Creation Facts of Life (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1994).

2. Jared Diamond, «Who Are the Jews?» Natural History, Vol. 102. No. 11, November 1993, p. 19.

3. Lewontin, Richard, «Billions & Billions of Demons,» The New York Review of Books, Jan. 9, 1997, p. 31.

4. Donald Kennedy, committee chairman, Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science, National Academy of Sciences Press, 1998, chapter 5.

5. G. Richard Bozarth, «The Meaning of Evolution,» American Atheist, September 20, 1979, p. 30.

6. Henry M. Morris, King of Creation (San Diego, CA: C. L. P. Publishers, 1980), p. 48. Morris, The Long War Against God, p. 304.

7. Ham, The Lie: Evolution.

8. Roy Wood Sellars (original rough draft), «A Humanist Manifesto,» The New Humanist, May-June, 1933, p. 58-61.

9. «Humanist Manifesto 2», The Humanist, September-October 1973.

10. John Dunphy, «A Religion for a New Age,» Humanist, Jan.-Fcb. 1983, p. 26.

11. Миссия «Ответы Бытия» составила сборник письменных высказываний христианских деятелей, школьных учителей и преподавателей семинарий, толкующих Книгу Бытия в пользу большого возраста Земли. Этот сборник хранится в архиве миссии «Ответы Бытия» во Флоренс, штат Кентукки.

12. Pattle Р. Т. Pun, «A Theology of Progressive Creationism,» Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith — The Journal Ametican Scientific Affiliation, Vol. 39, No. 1, March, 1987.

Очевидно, что наиболее буквальное восприятие летописи Книги Бытия, без учета всех предлагаемых наукой герменевтических толкований, заключается в следующем: Бог сотворил небо и землю за шесть астрономических дней, человек был сотворен на шестой день, смерть и хаос вошли в этот мир в результате грехопадения Адама и Евы, все окаменелости появились в результате Всемирного Потопа, после которого уцелела только семья Ноя и бывшие на Ковчеге животные.

Douglas F. Kelly, Creation and Change (Ross-shire, Great Britain: Christian Focus Publications, 1997).

James Stambaugh, «The Days of Creation: A Semantic Approach,» С. Е. N. Technical Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1991, p. 70-78.

13. Личное письмо из архива миссии «Ответы Бытия» от 13 апреля 1996г.

14. Chad Gray and Will Brawn, «Settling for Second Best: A Search for Truth,» The Crusader, Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, Idaho, May 20, 1998.

15. Ken Ham, «When Will the Church Wake Up?» Creation, Vol. 17, No. 3, June-August, 1995, p. 16-18.

Ken Ham, «The Necessity for Believing in Six Literal Days,» Creation, Vol. 18, No. 1, December 1995 — February 1996, p. 38- 41.

Ken Ham, «Father’s Promises and Vegemite,» Creation, Vol. 19, No. 1, December 1996 — February 1997, p. 14-17.

Ken Ham, «Millions of Years and the ‘Doctrine of Balaam'», Creation, Vol. 19, No. 3, June-August, 1997, p. 15-17.

Ken Ham, «Demolishing ‘Straw Men'», Creation, Vol. 19, No. 4, September -November 1997, p. 13-15.

Ken Ham, «A Young Earth — It’s Not the Issue!» Answers in Genesis Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1998, p. 1-4.

16. Rev. J. A. Wyhe, LLD, The History of Protestantism, Vol. 1. Mourne Missionary Trust, N. Ireland, 1985 (first published in 1878), p. 303.

17. Ken Ham, The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved! (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1998).

Глава 9

1. Greg L. Bahnsen, Always Ready (Texarkana, AR: Covenant Media Foundation, 1996).

Gordon H. Clark, A Christian Philosophy of Education (Jefferson, MD: The Trinity Foundation, 1988).

Ken and Mally Ham, D Is for Dinosaur (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1991).

Ken and Mally Ham, A Is for Adam (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1995).

Ham, The Lie: Evolution.

Ham and Taylor, The Genesis Solution.

Henry M. Morris, The Genesis Record (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1976).

Henry M. Morris, Biblical Creationism (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1993).

G. Thomas Sharp, Science According to Moses, Vol. 1 (Noble. OK: The Foundation of a Biblical World View, Creation Truth Publications, Inc., 1992).

2. Duane T. Gish, Evolution: the Fossils STILL Say NO! (El Cajon, CA: Institute for Creation Research, 1993).

Кен Хэм, Эндрю Спеллинг, Карл Вилэнд, Книга ответов (Москва: «Протестант», 1993).

Ham, The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved!

Henry M. Morris, The Biblical Bible for Modern Science (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1984).

Parker, Creation Facts of Life.

Gary E. Parker, Life Before Birth (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1992).

3. Например, проект Клубов по изучению сотворения, начатый в 1998 миссией «Ответы Бытия». Подробности можно узнать у Курта Штройткера (Kurt Streutker) по адресу: kstreutk@answersingenesis.org

4. Ham, The Lie: Evolution.

5. «The Top 100: Part 2,» The Barna Report, Barna Research Group Ltd., Oxnard, California, July/August 1997, p. 2. «Христианский образ жизни: уровень разводов среди возрожденных христиан — 27%; среди не-христиан — 23%.»

6. Trevor Mcllwain and Nancy Everson, Firm Foundations: Creation to Christ, Adult/Teenage Lesson Plans (Sanford, FL: New Tribes Mission, 1991), p. 3-15.

7. Ibid.

Trevor Mcllwain and Nancy Everson, Firm Foundations: Creation to Christ, Adult/Teenage Lesson Plans (Sanford, FL: New Tribes Mission, 1994).

Trevor Mcllwain and Nancy Everson, Firm Foundations: Creation to Christ, Children’s Teacher, Vol. 1-5 (Sanford, FL: New Tribes Mission, 1993).

Trevor Mcllwain and Nancy Everson, Firm Foundations: Creation to Christ, Children’s Workbook (Sanford, FL: New Tribes Mission, 1995).

8. New Tribes Mission, Now We See Clearly (video), New Tribes Mission, Sanford, Florida, 1992.

New Tribes Mission, When Things Seem Impossible(video), New Tribes Mission, Sanford, Florida, 1994.

9. Дан Ричардсон, Вечность в их сердцах (Чикаго: Slavic Gospel Press, 1990).

10. Ibid, p. 129. Ричардсон не совсем ясно объясняет факт, что у племен, никогда не слышавших Евангелие, обычно существуют предания о Боге-Творце или «небесном боге». Скорее, он приписывает существование таких легенд тому, что сердца этих людей сверхъестественным образом подготовлены к принятию Евангелия. И хотя это, конечно, не исключено, все же тот факт, что у многих народов имеются истории о Потопе, Вавилонской башне и т. д., явно свидетельствует, что в их культуре осталась память об истинном Боге — ведь Библии описана реальная история мира. Наше единство расходится лишь со строительства Вавилонской башни (Быт. 11), которое имело место не так давно (менее чем 4500 лет назад).

Глава 10

1. Хэм, Спеллинг, Вилэнд. Книга ответов.

2. David Menton, «Inherit the Wind: An Historical Analysis,» Creation, Vol. 19, No. 1, December-February 1996-97, p. 35-38.

The World’s Most Famous Court Trial (Dayton, TN: Bryan College, 1990).

3. Ken Ham, «The Wrong Way Round,» Creation, Vol. 18, No. 3. June-August 1996, p. 38-41.

Ken Ham, Challenge to the Church, audio cassette tape, 1997, Answers in Genesis, Florence, Kentucky.

Ken Ham, The Monkey Trial, video, 1997, Answers in Genesis, Florence, Kentucky.

4. Ann Gibbons, «Mitochondrial Eve: Wounded, But Not Dead Yet,» Science, Vol. 257, August 14, 1992, p. 873.

Svante Paabo, «The Y Chromosome and the Origin of All of Us (Men),» Science, Vol. 268, May 26, 1995, p. 1141-1142.

5. Steven A. Austin, ed., Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe (Santee, CA: Institute for Creation Research, 1994.)

Steven A. Austin, George Van Burbach, John D. Morris, Andrew A. Snelling, and Kurt Wise, Grand Canyon: Monument to the Flood. (El Cajon, CA: Institute for Creation Research, 1995).

6. Ken Ham, «Millions of Years and the ‘Doctrine of Balaam'», Creation, Vol. 19, No. 3, June-August, 1997, p. 15-17.

7. Ken Ham, «A Low View of Scripture,» Creation, Vol. 21, No. 1, December-February 1998, p. 45-47.

8. Z@XrBearse (e-mail address), секретарь Билла МакКарт-ней, президента и основателя движения Promise Keepers, личное письмо, октябрь 1998. Из архива миссии «Ответы Бытия».

Глава 11

1. Morris, The Genesis Record.

2. Ken Ham, «Millions of Years and the ‘Doctrine of Balaam'», Creation, p. 15-17.

3. Weston W. Fields, Unformed and Unfilled: A Critique of the Gap Theory (Collinsville, IL: Burgener Enterprises, 1976).

Ham, Snelling, and Wieland, The Answers Book, chapter 9: «What about the Gap Theory?» p. 157-175.

4. Don Batten, «Some Questions for Theistic Evolutionists (and ‘Progressive Creationists’),» Creation, Vol. 18, No. 3, June-August 1996, p. 37.

Dean Davis, «Theistic Evolution: What Difference Does It Make?» Creation, Vol. 20, No. 1. December-February 1997, p. 48-49.

Werner Gitt, «10 Dangers of Theistic Evolution,» Creation, Vol. 17, No. 4, September-November 1995, p. 49-51.

Ken Ham, «A Child May See the Folly of It,» Creation, Vol. 17, No. 2, March-May 1995, p. 20-22.

Ham, «When Will the Church Wake Up?» Creation, p. 16-18.

Charles V. Taylor, «Biblical Problems for Theistic Evolution and Progressive Creation,» Creation, Vol. 17, No. 2, March-May 1995, p. 46-48.

John Verdcrame, «Theistic Evolution: Future Shock?» Creation, Vol. 20, No. 3, June-August 1998, p. 18.

5. «Cosmic Breakthrough [«Creation, Vol. 17, No. I.December- February 1994, p. 37-39.

Don Batten, «Physicists’ God-Talk,» Creation, Vol. 17, No. 3, June-August 1995, p. 15.

Ken Ham, «It’s About Time Christians Take a Stand!» Answers in Genesis Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 1, October 1997, p. 1-2.

Ken Ham, «What’s Wrong with ‘Progressive Creation’?» Answers in Genesis Newsletter Special Insert. October 1997, p. a-d.

Mark Van Bebber and Paul Taylor, Creation and Time: A Report on the Progressive Creationist, Book by Hugh Ross (Mesa, AZ: Eden Publications, 1995).

6. Ham, The Lie: Evolution.

Ham, «Millions of Years and the ‘Doctrine of Balaam'», Creation, p. 15-17.

Caryl Matrisciana and Roger Oakland, The Evolution Conspiracy (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1991).

7. Dr. E. 0. Wilson, Harvard Professor (sociobiology), The Humanist, September 1982, p. 40.

8. Craig Whitlock, «Gadfly’s Crusade Is Winning Respect,» The News & Observer (North Carolina), Sunday, January 11,1998, p. 14A.

9. Кен Хэм, Выбор Бытия, видеофильм, (Gilbert, AZ: Films for Christ, 1987).

10. Ham, The Lie: Evolution. ,

11. Morris, The Genesis Record.

12. Хэм, Спеллинг, Виланд. Книга ответов.

13. Parker, Creation: Facts of Life.

14. Ham, A Is for Adam.

15. Ham, D Is for Dinosaur.

16. Ken Ham and Gary Parker, Answer in Genesis Video Series (including Study Guide), Answer in Genesis, Florence, Kentucky, 1993.

17. Ham, The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved!

18. Ham, Ken, «Where did Cain get his Wife?» Answer in Genesis, Florence, Kentucky, 1997.

19. Ken Ham, «Dinosaurs and the Bible?» Answer in Genesis, Florence, Kentucky, 1993.

Ham, «Where did Cain get his Wife?» Answer in Genesis, Florence, Kentucky, 1997.

Ken Ham, «Is There REALLY a God?» Answer in Genesis, Florence, Kentucky, 1998.

20. Ken Ham, Facts and Bias: Creation Versus Evolution -Two World Views in Conflict, video, #9 from Answer in Genesis Video Series, Answer in Genesis, Florence, Kentucky, 1993.

21. Carl Wieland, Stones & Bones (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1990).

22. Wcrner Gitt, In the Beginning Was Information (Bielefeld, Germany:

Chistliche Literatur-Verbreitung e. V., 1997). Lee Spetner, Not By Chance (Brooklyn, NY: The Judaica Press, Inc., 1996).

Глава 12

1. Pun, «A Theology of Progressive Creationism», Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith — The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation.