VII. Литература

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2. Cassuto, Umberto. A Commentary on the Book of Genesis. Part 1. From Adam to Noah. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1989.

3. Clark, Harold W. The New Diluvialism. Angwin. Calif.: Science Publications, 1946.

4. Clark, Harold W. The Battle Over Genesis. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1977.

5. Coffin, Harold G. Origin by Design. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1983.

6. «Evidences of a Worldwide Flood.» In The Seventh–day Adventist Bible Commentary. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1953. Vol. l,pp. 64–98.

7. Finegan, Jack. Handbook of Biblical Chronology. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1964.

8. Gunkel, Herman. The Legends of Genesis. New York: Schocken, 1964.

9. Hasel, Gerhard F. «The Significance of the Cosmology in Genesis 1 in Relation to Ancient Near Eastern Parcels.» Andrews University Seminary Studies 10(1972): 1–20.

10. Hasel, Gerhard F.:»Ihe Meaning of ‘Let Us* in Gn 1:26.» Andrews University Seminary Studies 13 (1975): 58–66.

11. Hasel, Gerhard F. «The Sabbath in the Pentateuch» In The Sabbath in Scripture and History. Ed. K. A. Strand. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1982. Pp. 21–43.

12. Hasel, Gerhard R. «The ‘Days’ of Creation in Genesis 1: Literal ‘Days’ or Figurative ‘Periods/Epochs’ of Time?» Origins 21 (1994): 5–38.

13. Jacobsen, Thorkild. «The Eridu Genesis.» Journal of Biblical Literature 100 (1981): 513–529.

14. Johnson, Phillip E, Darwin on Trial. 2nd ed. Downers Grove, I11.: InterVarsity, 1993.

15. Lavallee, Louis. «Augustine on the Creation Days.» Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 32 (1989): 457–464.

16. Lewis, Jack P. «The Days of Creation: An Historical Survey of Interpretation.» Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 32(1989):433–455.

17. Maxwell, C. Mervyn. God Cares. Vol. 2, Revelation. Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press, 1985.

18. «Science and a Literal Creation.» In The Seventh–day Adventist Bible Commentary/ Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1953. Vol. 1, 1976, pp. 46–63.

19. Shea, William H. «Literary Structural Parallels Between Genesis 1 and 2.» Origins 16 (1989): 49–68.

20. Shea, William H. «A Comparison of Narrative Elements in Ancient Mesopotamian Creation–Flood Stories With Genesis 1–9.» Origins 11 (1984): 9–29.

21. Shea, William H. «The Unity of the Creation Account.» Origins 5 (1978): 9–38.

22. Speiser, E. A. Genesis. 3rd ed. Anchor Bible. Vol. 1. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1981.

23. Webster, Clyde L., Jr. The Earth: Origins and Early History. Office of Education, North American Division of the General Conference of Seventh–day Adventists: Silver Spring, Md., 1989.

24. Wenham, Gordon J. Genesis 1–15. Word Bible Commentary. Vol. 1. Waco, Tex.: Word, 1987.

25. Westermann, Claus. Genesis 1–11. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1984.