

Number Fifteen — Testimony for the Church — Introduction

Sketch of Experience

Doing for Christ

Selling the Birthright


Selfishness and World Loving

Flesh Meats and Stimulants

Neglect of Health Reform

Love for the Erring

Everyday Religion

Reform at Home

A Violated Conscience

Warnings and Reproofs

Object of Personal Testimonies

Moving to Battle Creek

Caution to Ministers

Look to Jesus

Separation From the World

True Love

Amusements at the Institute

Neglect of Hannah More

Prayer for the Sick

Courage in the Minister

Closeness in Deal

Oppressing the Hireling

Combativeness Reproved

Burden Bearers in the Church

Pride in the Young

Worldliness in the Church

The Sufferings of Christ

Warnings to the Church

Contemplating Marriage

Danger of Riches

Christian Zeal

Responsibilities of the Young

Servants of Mammon

Sentimentalism and Matchmaking

Severity in Family Government

A Birthday Letter

Deceitfulness of Riches

Self-Deceived Youth

True Conversion

Duties of the Husband and the Wife

Danger of Confiding Family Troubles

Letter to an Orphan Boy

The Unruly Member

Comfort in Affliction

A Self-Caring Dictatorial Spirit

A Forgetful Hearer

Remedy for Sentimentalism

Duty to Orphans

Appeal to Ministers

Moral Pollution

Christian Temperance

Extremes in Health Reform

Sensuality in the Young

True Love at Home

Conducting Social Meetings

Importance of Self-Government

Industry and Economy

Stirring Up Opposition

An Appeal to the Church

A Cross in Accepting the Truth

Address to Ministers

Exercise and Air

Selfishness Rebuked

Fanaticism and Ignorance

An Indulged Daughter

To a Minister’s Wife

Unfaithfulness in Stewardship

Mistaken Sensitiveness


Social Meetings

How Shall We keep the Sabbath

Christian Recreation

An Impressive Dream

Our Camp Meetings

A Solemn Dream

Manners and Dress of Ministers

Love of Gain

The Cause in Vermont

Transferring Earthly Treasure

No Probation After Christ Comes

Accountability for Light Received