The Teacher’s Need of the Holy Spirit’s Aid


The Holy Spirit is an effective helper in restoring the image of God in the human soul, but its power and efficiency has not been appreciated in our schools as it should be. The Holy Spirit comes to the world as Christ’s representative. It not only speaks the truth, but it is the truth-the faithful and true witness. It is the great searcher of hearts, and is acquainted with the characters of all.


The Holy Spirit came into the schools of the prophets, bringing even the thoughts of the students into harmony with the will of God. There was a living connection between heaven and these schools, and the joy and thanksgiving of loving hearts found expression in songs of praise in which the angels joined. If teachers would open their hearts to receive the Spirit, they would be prepared to co-operate with it in working for their students; and when it is given free course, it will effect wonderful transformations. It will work in each heart, correcting selfishness, molding and refining the character, and bringing even the thoughts into captivity to Christ.


It is one thing to consent to the Spirit’s work in conversion, and another thing to accept that Spirit’s agency as a reprover, calling to repentance. It is necessary that both teachers and students not only assent to the truth, but that they have a deep practical knowledge of the operations of the Holy Spirit. Its cautions are given because of the unbelief of those who profess to be Christians. Both teachers and students should be able to recognize the voice of the Shepherd. Let those who have lost the spirit of prayer, pray, pray earnestly, pity the suffering cause; pity thy church; pity the individual believers, thou Father of mercies. Take from us everything that defiles; deny us what thou wilt; but take not from us thy Holy Spirit.


Instead of being repressed and driven back, the Holy Spirit should be welcomed, and its presence encouraged. When teachers sanctify themselves through obedience to the Word, the Holy Spirit will give them glimpses of heavenly things. When they seek God with humility and earnestness, the words which they have spoken in freezing accents will burn in their hearts; the truth will not then languish upon their tongues.


The agency of the Spirit of God does not remove from us the necessity of exercising our faculties and talents, but teaches us how to use every power to the glory of God. The human faculties when under the special direction of the grace of God, are capable of being used to the best purpose on earth. Ignorance does not increase the humility or spirituality of any professed follower of Christ. The truths of the divine word can be best appreciated by an intellectual Christian. Christ can be best glorified by those who serve him intelligently. The great object of education is to enable us to use the powers which God has given us in such a manner as to represent the religion of the Bible and promote the glory of God.


We are indebted to him who gave us existence for the talents that have been entrusted to us; and it is a duty we owe our Creator to cultivate and improve the talents he has committed to our trust. Education will discipline the mind, develop its powers, and understandingly direct them, that we may be useful in advancing the glory of God.


The study of the Bible should occupy a large place in our school work; its precepts and principles are to be prayerfully and daily studied. All the instruction given should be based on the principles revealed in the life and teachings of Christ. This is the time to follow in our experience the plan of Christ for the inculcation of the Word of God,-principles that men may carry with them into the future life.


Everlasting life! O if we can comprehend this in the lessons that Christ gave. The questions that the disciples brought to the Saviour after the crowds had dispersed, and the teachings that he then explained more fully to them, are essential for the multitudes to-day to understand and to practice. Practical godliness must be learned. Those who study and practice the teachings of Christ will gain an essential education in belief and practice of Bible truth. By Bible truth, by the Word of God, every teacher will one day be measured by the greatest Teacher this world ever knew. Let those who attend our schools make the lessons of Christ their chief study; for he came from heaven to teach the human family the principles of the kingdom of heaven. Belief of the grand truths he presented will work a reformation in all who truly receive them.


The love of the truth as it is in Jesus means the love of all that is comprised in the truth Christ taught. Let our teachers strive to follow his example, to cherish his spirit of tender sympathy.


Let none leave the love of Christ out of their labors, but let each ask himself the question, Is my life, as a Christian, a consistent life? Am I guided by the Holy Spirit? It is the privilege of every teacher to reveal the moral power of a pure, consistent, Christ-loving workman. The spiritual minded teacher will never have an uncertain religion. If he truly loves the service of Christ, he will have spiritual discernment, and spiritual life.