
Weeping Over Jerusalem

Cleansing the Temple

Jesus and the Pharisees

Denouncing the Pharisees

In the Outer Court

The Passover Supper

In the Garden

In the Judgment Hall

Condemnation of Jesus


At the Sepulcher

The Conflict Ended

The Resurrection

The Women at the Tomb

Jesus at Emmaus

In the Upper Chamber

Jesus at Galilee

Meeting of the Brethren

Ascension of Christ

The Pentecost

The Cripple Healed

The Seven Deacons

Conversion of Saul

Paul Commences His Ministry

The Ministry of Peter

Deliverance of Peter

Ordination of Paul and Barnabas

Preaching Among the Heathen

Jew and Gentile

Imprisonment of Paul and Silas

Opposition at Thessalonica

Paul at Berea and Athens

Paul at Corinth

Paul at Ephesus

Trials and Victories of Paul

Martyrdom of Paul and Peter