

Extracts from Testimonies. «The world acknowledges as teachers those whom God does not indorse as safe educators. The Bible is discarded by these. Infidel authors are recommended as if they were in possession of those sentiments which should be interwoven into the course of study. What do you expect from the sowing of this kind of seed? In the study of these objectionable books, the minds of teachers, as well as students, become corrupted, and the enemy sows his tares. It can not be otherwise. By drinking of the impure fountain, poisonous malaria is introduced into the system. Inexperienced youth taken over this line of study receive, because of their inexperience, impressions which lead their thoughts into channels that are fatal to piety.


«Thus youth have been sent to our school in Battle Creek to learn from books which, because tolerated in our schools, are thought to be safe. But it is impossible to sanction these books by retaining them as lesson books without reaping the harvest which is sure to come from the sowing of such seed. It is this class of education that has sent students from the schools of the world infidels.


«The Messenger of God took books from the hands of several teachers, and laid them aside, saying, ‘There never has been a time in your lives when a study of these books was for your present good and advancement, or for your future eternal good.’


«Placing a Bible in the hands of the teachers, he said, ‘Your present opportunities are to be earnestly improved. Make the Word of the infinite God your lesson book.’ If this had been done as God requires, students lost to the cause of God would now be missionaries.»


«As they search diligently, praying for wisdom, they will learn that there are heights and depths in the Word of God that they have never yet seen. The more they set their hearts to learn, the more they will realize the necessity of sinking the shaft deep into the mines of truth, that they may discover the precious ore.»


«Our youth must have well-conducted schools, where they can gain an all-round education. From Genesis to Revelation the gospel shines forth with no uncertain light. . . . It is of far greater consequence that students study God’s Word than that they study Greek and Latin. Yet some may carry the study of these languages with success, especially Greek, and yet not place them above the Word of God. The Word of God is the foundation of all true study, and it is a most deplorable thing that it is so poorly understood, and therefore so little appreciated.»


«You must not let the students suppose that their education is to be loose and haphazard. Let the students, the young especially, study books that are free from infidelity. As fast as possible, let the youth perfect their knowledge of the common branches.»


«In Christ is the fountain of all knowledge. In him our hopes of eternal life are centered. He is the greatest teacher the world has ever known, and if we desire to enlarge the minds of the children and youth, and win them, if possible, to a love of the Bible, we should fasten their minds upon the plain and simple truth, digging out that which has been buried beneath the rubbish of tradition, and letting the jewels shine forth. Encourage them to search into these subjects, and the effort put forth will be an invaluable discipline. The unfolding of God, as represented in Jesus Christ, furnishes a theme that is grand to contemplate, and that will, if studied, sharpen the mind, and elevate and ennoble the faculties. As the human agent learns these lessons in the school of Christ, trying to become, as Christ was, meek and lowly of heart, he will learn the most useful of all lessons,- that intellect is supreme only as it is sanctified by a living connection with God.»


«I have some matters which I wish to present before you in regard to education. The teachers in our schools have great respect for authors and books that are current in most of our educational institutions. All heaven has been looking upon our institutions of learning, and asking you, What is the chaff to the wheat? The Lord has given us most precious instructions in his Word, teaching us what characters we must form in this life to prepare us for the future, immortal life. It has been the custom to exalt books and authors that do not present the proper foundation for true education. From what source did these authors obtain their wisdom, a large share of which does not deserve our respect, even if the authors are regarded as being wise men? Have they taken their lessons from the greatest Teacher that the world ever knew? If not, they are decidedly in the fault. Those who are preparing for the heavenly abodes should be recommended to make the Bible their chief book of study. . . .


«Books should have been prepared to place in the hands of students that would educate them to have a sincere, reverent love for truth and steadfast integrity. The class of studies which are positively essential in the formation of character to give them a preparation for the future life should be kept ever before them.»